Black Votes Matter

If not for Black voters in my home state, South Carolina, Joe Biden would be fishing in the Delaware river, instead of being the Democratic party’s nominee for President. Black voters have the power to pick the next president. If you care about keeping your healthcare in the midst of this Covid 19 pandemic and your social security benefits, then you must vote Biden, especially if you live in the swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. If it bothers you that the president of the USA is actively stoking the flames of racial hatred and division and supporting terrorists like the neo nazi who drove his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia murdering a woman and the white supremacist who used an assault rifle to murder 2 peaceful protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, then you must vote for Biden. I wrote and sang “America’s already great (We don’t need hate)” in 2017 in response to MAGA & Charlottesville. The situation has become even more dire in 2020 and the stakes are higher.

The only reason Trump was unable to overturn Obamacare was because of 1 “NO” vote from the late Senator John McCain. The case of California v. Texas will be heard by the US Supreme Court in November 2020 and with the death of the giant intellectual liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginzburg and the appointment of “The Handmaid” Amy Barrett to fill her seat, the Supreme Court will in all likelihood overturn Obamacare, which made it illegal to deny insurance coverage to Americans with pre-existing conditions.

In addition, Trump has promised that he will “eliminate the tax that funds social security” which would in effect eliminate seniors’ social security payments. If Biden is elected President and Democrats gain a majority in the Senate, they can enact laws that would protect our healthcare and social security, as well as our environment. By voting out Lindsey Graham in South Carolina, replacing him with Jamie Harrison and flipping other winnable Senate seats in North Carolina, Arizona, Maine, Montana and Iowa, Democrats can reverse the destructive policies of a would be dictator. USA is #1 in the world with over 7 million Americans’ infected with corona virus and more than 200,000 Americans who have died from the disease due to an inept leader who publicly called the corona virus a “Democrat hoax” while privately telling journalist Bob Woodard the disease was dangerous and airborne.

Black Votes Matter because we have the numbers and the power to decide this election. Our very existence is on the line. Covid 19 has killed a disproportionately higher number of Blacks because of poverty and disparity in access to healthcare. Social security is the only income for many senior citizens. The increase of violent attacks and murder of Blacks has soared under this Republican administration. Vote like your life depended on it, because it does.

Peace and One Love…







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