Earth Day

As I walked on the beach picking up trash, I contemplated the history of my favorite holiday – Earth Day. In 1969, a disastrous oil spill off the coast of beautiful Santa Barbara, California sparked the modern day environmental movement in the United States and influenced Senator Gaylord Nelson to found Earth Day. Millions of people hit the streets protesting against the fossil fuel industry and governments’ destruction of our land, oceans, and fresh water for the purpose of making short term profits.

Exxon knew about human caused climate change since 1977, because its engineers conducted research that showed a direct link between drilling and burning oil and increased CO2 levels. Rising sea levels, warming oceans, melting Artic ice, stronger and more frequent hurricanes, tsunamis and droughts are all traced back to the fossil fuel industry. Our taxpayer money subsidizes big oil companies. We are paying them to destroy our planet.

The oil industry does not want alternative renewable fuel sources like solar and wind to thrive. But we the people have the power to save our environment. Donate to a nonprofit dedicated to fighting the fossil fuel industry. If you don’t have money, volunteer. If you don’t have time to volunteer, stop eating meat, recycle, and pick up rubbish. Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something to help save our environment.

My talented daughter Eden’s contribution to the struggle is through her art. She composed and performed the music for “Drifting Rivers.”

Peace and One Love…







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